Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some of the Dumbest People on Earth

Over the years, I have concluded that you can find some of the dumbest people on earth on automotive internet forums. Well, at least the dumbest people on earth who drive.

I was visiting a Jeep forum (dedicated to the newer JK Wrangler) and found a poll had been posted. It was a general interest poll, just to determine who was driving what and with what option packages. Simple enough.

Understand, that unlike owners of a new or late model Benz or Range Rover, Jeep Wranglers draw owners from the full spectrum of society. From CEOs to Blue Collar types, from college professors to guys who missed their 6th grade graduation because they were attending the birth of the 5th child.

Thus, I expected to find the results to be interesting, to say the least.

The first question related to the model year of their Jeep. Check off the box corresponding to the year of your Wrangler.

The second question was, do you own a 2 door or 4 door (Unlimited)? Check off the appropriate box.

Third question was, select the model you purchased. X-Sport, Sahara or Rubicon. Check off the appropriate box.

Fourth question was, select the type of transmission. 6 speed manual or automatic. Check off the appropriate box.

Here's the results:

98.74% of those responding picked a model year. 1.26% apparently didn't know what year their Jeep was made (nearly correlates to the percentage of chrystal meth users in society).

84.17% drive either a two door or an Unlimited. 15.83% drive a mystery Wrangler or never bothered to count the doors (you can leave your shoes on for that exercise). Perhaps they thought that two half doors only add up to one and there was no check box for that option.

82.91% own an X (Sport), a Sahara or a Rubicon. 17.09% own something else, which I assume is that mystery Wrangler again. Perhaps they did what many do and just removed the stickers and forgot what they bought....

92.96% have either the manual or the automatic. 7.04% obviously don't have a transmission. Must be the Flintstone model.

To obtain the above percentages, the person taking the poll would have had to not check boxes to all questions. All they had to do was check any box for each question, simple enough. Guess not.

Internet polls contribute at least one positive... They provide a nearly perfect corollary to the premise that you can't fix stupid.