Sunday, February 19, 2017

Bitter McCain Will Say Or Do Anything To Undermine The President

McCain, the "Hanoi songbird", is a bitter, very angry man. He cannot understand how Trump was elected while he tanked in his bid in 2008. It galls him no end. What he doesn't understand is that America didn't want another long career, barn sour politician who was as appealing as burnt toast.
McCain's judgment has been questionable at best, with him being duped into supporting what was the core of what became ISIS being among his most recent errors in reasoning.
When McCain was a naval aviator, he rode the coattails of his famous father, and managed to wiggle out of situations that would have ended the career of any officer without that influence. He has milked his captivity during the Vietnam war for every drop. This, despite some fellow prisoners doubting his claims. Indeed, there is a very concerning recording of McCain being rather complicit in a radio Hanoi interview during that captivity. I simply cannot place any trust in the man. He has always placed himself ahead of his comrades in arms and his constituents.
McCain has stayed on the political shelf far past his sale date. He has no future beyond his current position. His influence has waned and it's unlikely he will get another term, barely surviving a primary challenge last year.
So now, with his career headed down faster than Chris Christie on a greased pole, he wants to be "someone important" again. Thus, in his bitterness he has done anything and everything he can to undermine the man who was successful where he failed.
Trump clearly views McCain in the light of "the friend of my enemy is my enemy". McCain is living up to that opinion as a dedicated "never Trump" Republican. Defenders of the status quo. He has joined forces with the press which is trying desperately to destroy the President. For the first time in this nation's history, the press is actively working to squelch the electorate. Don't misunderstand, the main stream press IS acting like an enemy of the People. McCain is, once again, complicit with those who oppose freedom, hiding behind the Constitution in order to subvert the Constitution.
Arizona has a provision in the State Constitution to allow a recall petition for any elected official, including those in Congress. Since there has never been a recall of a member of Congress or the Senate, this has never been tested in Federal courts, much less SCOTUS. Perhaps the time has come to test it...