Thursday, March 11, 2010

Say goodnight, Nancy

There is now no doubt in my mind that the Democratic Party leadership has completely lost touch with reality. This is a party hurtling down hill at breakneck speed while lacking the basic common sense to step on the brakes.

Obama, Reid and Pelosi must be three of the most myopic politicians ever to hold national office. They continue to push a Senate healthcare bill that is unwanted by the vast majority of Americans. This is not quite like the blind leading the blind. It is the fundamentally stupid leading the blind.

Fundamentally stupid? Think about this....

Fifty-six percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released February 26th say they think the federal government's become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.

This is what happens when the government ignores the will of the people. This is what happens when small-minded, power hungry bureaucrats place their political agenda before the desires of the people they so miserably serve.

Today, government workers on average earn bigger salaries, have better health and retirement benefits than those who work in the private sector. Ponder that for a moment or two.

Government workers are no longer public servants. Indeed, the public has become the servant of the government, who taxes them near to poverty to maintain this ever increasing monolithic menace to the principles of American liberty and freedom.

Why do we tolerate this?

Especially in light of the fact that government jobs simply don't draw the best and brightest. Those folks are in the private sector, they are the ones who actually do create jobs and grow the economy. Government creates nothing beyond more government. They produce nothing, except waste and corruption.

Now, we have the Democrats trying desperately to shove an unwanted healthcare bill down our throats. This is little more than an overt attempt to consolidate even more power in Washington, at the expense of all Americans. Obama believes that his presidency hangs in the balance. He completely misses the point that by passing this bill, he guarantees that the Democrats will lose the House and Senate. That will cement his presidency as the most epic failure in the history of American politics. No other president will have lost so much, so fast. Within that context, you find the root cause as fundamental stupidity.

Former President Clinton's pollster wrote today, "Nothing has been more disconcerting than to watch Democratic politicians and their media supporters deceive themselves into believing that the public favors the Democrats' current health-care plan.

Voters are hardly enthralled with the GOP, but the Democrats are pursuing policies that are out of step with the way ordinary Americans think and feel about politics and government. Barring some change of approach, they will be punished severely at the polls.

Now, we vigorously opposed Republican efforts in the Bush administration to employ the "nuclear option" in judicial confirmations. We are similarly concerned by Democrats' efforts to manipulate passage of a health-care bill. Doing so in the face of constant majority opposition invites a backlash against the party at every level -- and at a time when we already face the prospect of losing 30 or more House seats and eight or more Senate seats.

Unless the Democrats fundamentally change their approach, they will produce not just a march of folly but also run the risk of unmitigated disaster in November."

Come next January, Nancy Pelosi will no longer be Speaker of the House. Harry Reid will no longer be the Senate Majority leader (and likely not even be a Senator). Obama will face his next two years greatly weakened and destined to be a one-term president; the Ebony to Jimmy Carter's Ivory.

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