Saturday, August 19, 2017

Three students and members of the People's Workers Party (communist), 
who destroyed a Confederate Soldier memorial in Durham, North Carolina. 
Four students, including these, were each charged with two felonies and 
two misdemeanors. The new faces of subversive communism in America.

If you had been a college student in the 1960s and early 1970s, there’s a pretty good chance that you had a few liberal professors. I did. I liked most of them, because they were fair-minded and open to debate the merits of their beliefs. That open forum give and take went a long way towards teaching critical thinking and presenting vistas you would not otherwise get to view. You didn’t always agree, but that was okay. It was a time of free thinking and diverse values finding common ground.
Sure, there were a few who did not accept being challenged by students. If you antagonized them, you might find your grade adjusted. Because I questioned their views openly, I was usually penalized for it. One political science professor gave me a C on a paper I had worked very hard to write. I asked another professor to review a copy. He told me that the paper was excellent, and he would grade it an A. I showed him the original graded paper and he shook his head.
“Professor BlahBlah?, he asked.
I nodded up and down.
He lowered his voice.
“That guy is a pompous ass. Don’t let him discourage you.”
Bingo… That professor already had a reputation for being closed minded and anti-critical thinking.
Educators like that professor fail miserably when it comes to grooming young minds to function in society and careers. When no other opinion but yours can be entertained, it reveals a frailty of mind and confidence. No one with those disabling limitations should be in a position to mold young minds, unless the goal is to produce human worker bees. Automatons, pre-programmed to a way of thinking, truly devoid of reasoning skills and critical thinking.
I despise educators like professor BlahBlah.
Fifty years ago, Professor BlahBlah was the more the exception than the rule. Today, he IS the rule…
In 2017, a majority of our schools and universities are administered by social and political progressives. Most educators are products of this same environment.
I like to think of it as social inbreeding.
Progressives begat progressives, and those progressives begat progressives. This cycle goes on and on, with each new generation suffering mutation. 
The gene pool of ideas has deteriorated to the point that logic and reasoning has been bred out of the progressive species. 
What we have now are the traits of H.G. Wells' Eloi and Morlock rolled into a single human mutation. Serene and oblivious to reality, yet vicious when triggered.
How did things get this bad? America allowed the intellectual left to infiltrate our educational system. Over fifty years, they have taken over the schools and universities.
No longer is the free exchange of ideas permitted. Students must align themselves with the prevailing group-think. Deviate from the program and you are shunned or censured. Black groups exclude anyone who isn’t black. Whites have no free speech, this, the progressives have declared, is only for the oppressed. Whites are told that they should feel guilt for what they have. The fact that you and your ancestors worked for generations to obtain these things, doesn’t matter.
These are just some of the declarations of the socially inbred mutations produced by the so-called education system. 
How do we restore the gene pool of ideas?
We, perhaps the last generation retaining the genes of logic and reason, must correct the root cause through reverse social and intellectual genetic engineering. Carefully insert genes into the defective DNA that is the leadership of national education. 
Root out the weak, cowardly and ineffective leadership. Demand, at the risk of their careers, that educators return to curriculums that provide for actual education and the free expression of ideas without penalty or impedance.
Weed out professors who politicize their classes. If they teach a physics class, they teach physics only. Courses that involve the study of politics and social sciences shall be taught with great emphasis on the free exchange of ideas. Students will conduct themselves with decorum and good order.
Eliminate so called "safe zones" anywhere on campus. If students cannot cope with the reality of life, let them go home or to their dorms.
Make grading competitive again. No participation trophies. Make them cope with the reality that 2nd place is really just the first-place loser.
Mandatory community service for all students. 4 Hours monthly. Fail to fulfill and you don't graduate. Just think, on a campus with 5,000 students, the local community benefits from 20,000 hours of service every month.
Freedom doesn't include the right to destroy freedom. Students are in universities to learn for a future career. They are not there to be brainwashed to any political point of view.
Folks, if we don't purge our education system of those who hate this nation, we will have yet another generation of deranged, drug and phone addicted, confused young people. 

It is standard practice of tyrannical political theology to begin with brainwashing the children. One need not look very far to see that this has been in action for some time. It is time to put an end to it before we lose what we and our ancestors sacrificed to keep. Liberty, freedom of thought and speech.

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