Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ted's Dead: What next for the Democrats?

Like that of other famous political families, the Kennedy era is now completely over. The death of Ted Kennedy marks the end of 50 years of family members being significant factors in the Democratic party and in American politics in general. John F. Kennedy Jr’s tragic loss sealed the future of the family, with Ted’s passing marking the closing of the book. There is no obvious heir apparent.

Senator Kennedy will be lionized for his dedication to his liberal principles and to his constituents. Even those who were at the opposite end of the political spectrum found Ted to be a charming, outgoing and generous man. Nonetheless, Kennedy could be as ruthless as they come when he believed that the liberal ideology was in jeopardy. I give you the political lynching of Judge Bork as a typical example of Kennedy’s “gloves off” politics of questionable ethics. No holds were barred when he felt his ideals were being threatened. There is no doubt that Ted Kennedy possessed a complex and sometimes contradictory personality. In spite of that, he was truly sympathetic to the common man.

Senator Kennedy demonstrated his willingness to break with traditional Democratic politics, when he threw his considerable influence behind a party upstart, future President Obama. To say that the Clintons were annoyed would be a gross understatement of the true anger and feeling of betrayal that actually existed. Kennedy was astute enough to recognize that the Clinton years were over and it was time to realign himself. It was his last significant act before his brain cancer limited his participation in the election of 2008.

There can be no doubt that Senator Kennedy’s absence hurt the Democrats during the debate on socialized healthcare. Without Ted’s ability to negotiate, the Democrats were considerably weakened. Conservatives could well argue that Kennedy’s illness may have saved the country from the socio-political nightmare of a Government run, single payer healthcare system.

Given that the Feds just demonstrated their utter inability to manage the ill-conceived “cash for clunkers” program; any thought of them trying to manage the healthcare of 300 million Americans should send a chill up your spine.

Yet, it is apparent that the Democratic Party leadership is now attempting to use Kennedy’s death as a rally point to shove through a non-partisan healthcare bill. It won’t work. It will fail because the American people didn’t view Kennedy in the same light as his Democratic colleagues in Washington. Ted’s scandals and rumored appetite for booze and questionable private behavior have not endeared him to a sizable portion of the American electorate.

Ted’s dead, and Democrat politicians are suffering just as much wrath at town hall meetings as before. If the public sees that the left wing will attempt to use Kennedy’s death as a catalyst to jam their Socialist program down their throats, the din will only get more deafening. The insane deficits resulting from the hijacked stimulus program has already badly damaged the nation’s financial future. Adding the massive tax burden, typical Government waste and mismanagement of Fed run healthcare will truly break the taxpayer’s back. The concentration of power in Washington, and in particular, the Whitehouse, is unprecedented. Few want this, except for the socialist state advocates, and the Whitehouse is, for now, their domain. One of Obama’s healthcare advisors is a proponent of limiting healthcare expenditure on the elderly and disabled. Another advisor is a previously avowed communist and anti-capitalist. Anyone recognize a trend here?

As I have stated many times, don’t look to what a politician says to understand their ideology, but rather examine the ideology of their friends and advisors. As the saying goes, “an apple won’t fall far from its tree”.

It appears obvious that the liberal left are slow learners. If Obama does not move to the political center very soon, he will become yet another Jimmy Carter type failure; four downs and give up the ball.

As it stands now, Harry Reid, the Senate’s majority leader, is trailing badly in polls in economically battered Nevada. It is reasonable to believe that he will not win another term. Several other Democratic Senators are suddenly at risk as well. As many as 30 Democratic House seats are in danger for the mid-term election of 2010. Large Republican gains are more than just possible. The only element missing is a genuine charismatic figure to ascend to party leadership.

If the Democratic Party does not veer away from their leftist, socialist agenda in the immediate future, Obama may be facing the second half of his term without control of the Senate, and only a razor thin majority in the House.

Let’s hope the Democrats stay their self-destructive course… Republicans and Conservatives could not ask for a better opportunity.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Three Lefts Don't Always Make a Right

I never presume to speak for others, but I have no doubt that many people will agree with me that writer/director Michael Moore marches to a different drummer. In fact, I’d say that he may have his own band.

His disassembly of Detroit’s business-as-usual mindset in “Roger & Me” was an instant classic. Brutally honest and funny at the same time, Moore hit America’s auto makers right between the eyes.

It is unfortunate that Moore’s subsequent films wandered away from the intellectual honesty that made “Roger & Me” so good. “Bowling for Columbine”, “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Sicko” presented something else. One could easily and accurately state that Moore’s follow-on films had digressed to little more that political propaganda for an extreme leftist point of view. Moore was accused of creative editing to make his subjects appear to make statements that they had not made. His blatant political statements at the Oscar ceremony was not less than outrageous.

Would it be far from reality to state that Moore has climbed the leftist ladder to a place not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels, Fritz Hippler and Eberhard Taubert all rolled into one oversized personality? Like these German propagandists, his films are done in the style of a documentary. Moore knows that for some viewers, this adds a air of authority. His soon to be released film, "Capitalism: A Love Story”, is expected to be a new benchmark in Moore’s continued pounding on all things not aligned with his socialist (nearly Marxist) political agenda.

Moore has expressed his support for Obama’s government run health care bill, even if it did lead to health care rationing. I don’t believe that Moore would find himself at odds with the Obama administration unless, perhaps, they rationed cannolies…

This reminds me to make a simple point. If you really want to know the politics of any President, simply take note of their strongest supporters. What they say is less important than who their friends and supporters are.

Moore appears to be a victim of disorganized reasoning. This is a common malady that afflicts many, otherwise highly intelligent people. He can look right past facts and formulate opinions based upon nothing but self-created fantasy.

In a recent interview, Moore lashed out once again at George Bush. When asked what Bush’s worst legacy would be, Moore replied, “That he has yet to be arrested for committing the worst crime the leader of a nation can commit: lie to the people and convince them to invade another country and kill its people with absolutely no provocation.”

Moore wants Dubya arrested for lying to the people. Well, I’m not convinced he lied at all. Moreover, if lying by a politician was a crime requiring arrest, we would have to build more prisons immediately. If the extreme left really believed that lying is criminal, why haven’t they called for the arrest of Rep. Barney Frank? You know Frank, the guy who pressured and coerced banks to make mortgage loans to people who did not have the means to pay them. Frank, the guy who suddenly became stupid when he was fingered as possibly being the person most responsible for the mortgage meltdown. We should not overlook Frank’s partner in this, Sen. Christopher Dodd.

Mr. Moore goes on to say that we invaded and killed Iraqis without provocation. You’re kidding, right Michael? Repeated violations of the cease fire agreement doesn’t constitute provocation? Murdering thousands of innocent Kurds with nerve agents or poison gas does not constitute provocation? Failure to comply with UN weapon inspections isn’t a provocation? Slaughtering thousands of Shiites does not equate to provocation? If not, what does?

If you want to argue whether or not the invasion of Iraq was a good idea, you could make a strong argument for not invading. However, to state that there was no provocation is being obtuse on an epic scale.

If Bush was anything, he was naïve to believe that right and might can change hearts, minds and cultures. Naïveté is not a crime.

Neither is being an world class bullshit artist, because if it was, Michael Moore could be facing 20 to life with no chance of parole or cannolies.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Liberal Outrage Over Guns in National Parks

There appears to be a rather loud outcry from some anti-gun groups over allowing firearms into Nation Parks.

It’s only natural that anti-gun right advocates would howl about firearms being permitted anywhere they were not previously allowed. I don’t believe that anyone would have expected otherwise. Nonetheless, this issue has already been decided at a level above that which can be overturned.

In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that individual ownership of firearms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Thus, denying citizens their right to keep and bear arms would be a clear Constitutional violation. Especially on Government owned land. Our current National Park System was the handiwork of President Theodore Roosevelt. TR was an avid hunter and conservationist. Not being permitted to maintain a loaded firearm in the parks he created would elicit his full and not inconsiderable fury. Previously, guns had to be unloaded and locked up.

For many years, the National Park Service strictly limited private firearms in the parks; unconstitutionally it turns out. As a result, these parks were an ideal environment for thieves and others of the criminal element, who were well aware that those few park goers who had a gun could not access their firearms on short notice. Let’s face facts: Criminals by definition disobey the law. You can bet that many criminals would being carrying loaded “heat” in the National Parks.

In recent weeks, we have seen the liberal left attempt to squelch free speech by classifying health care bill opposition as ignorant and un-American. The radical left believes in freedom, but only as they define it. If it were left to them, your rights would only be those that they find to be politically correct.

Jonathan Dorn, editor-in-chief of Backpacker Magazine was quoted by the AP as stating, "That one just felt like a very political decision that was maybe more about politics than about maybe paying attention to the preferences of the vast majority of people who are frequent park users."

Dorn doesn't realize that all it would take is a suit in Federal Court to force the Parks Department to lift restrictions anyway. Current rules signed by Obama look to the various States for guidelines. If the State permits loaded firearms in their parks, then they are permitted in Federal parks within that State.

As of now, the single biggest whining is coming from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Years ago, this organization went by the name Handgun Control Inc, until their contribution to the backlash that gained the Republicans control of the House and Senate. I guess it was time for a name change, eh?

The facts remains that the Brady group is loaded with myopic hoplophobes who can only react with a knee-jerk.

My view is that if you don't like guns, don't own one. If you don't like guns in National Parks, leave yours at home. You don't own one? Well then, that makes it easy for you.

It's about time that law abiding citizens can fully exercise their constitutional rights on Government land.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Cash for Clunkers: Another Example of Discriminatory Government.

I know a fellow who drives a late 1990s Honda Civic. Even with 193,000 miles on the odometer, his little Honda gets 35 mpg on the highway and 28 mpg around town. It still passes emission testing at levels comparable to when it was new.

For more than a decade, this gentleman has been driving “green”, conserving resources and polluting less than the average car owner.

Despite 11 years of stalwart service, the Honda is growing very weary. It needs struts and new tires. Its radiator has been repaired several times, and the hoses are old and showing signs of cracking. There’s too much play in the steering and the stereo quit working almost a year ago. It’s time to put the faithful Civic out to pasture.

My friend wants to buy a new Civic. Unlike those driving old gas guzzlers, he won’t get any help from the government. Indeed, “green” car owners get nothing should they desire to purchase a new fuel efficient car to replace a like vehicle.

Rather than reward those who have been conserving resources, the Congress and Senate have decided to reward those who have consumed far greater amounts of fuel and generate more pollution.

Why does this not surprise me? There’s nothing unusual in government getting it ass-backwards.

What upsets many is that the feds are taking up to 3 billion of our tax dollars and passing them along to a select class of citizen. It is abundantly clear that the government is discriminating against those citizens who attempted to conserve fuel and reduce pollution by already driving “greener” vehicles. The program is purely arbitrary.

I know of one driver who was turned down for the rebate because his rusty old car was rated 1 mpg too high.

Adding to the silliness of the Cash for Clunkers program is the fact that many of the cars and trucks being traded in are destined for the junk yard in the very near future anyway.

There is a better and very simple solution.

Rather than discriminate against the bulk of the driving population, why not make every taxpayer eligible?

First, allow for a tax deduction of state and local sales taxes on all new vehicle sales. This will stimulate the auto industry and help family budgets.

Second, offer rebates of $1,000 towards the purchase of any new vehicle. If the new vehicle happens to get 5 mpg more than the old one, double the rebate. 10 mpg better? Triple the rebate. Now everyone (consumers and the auto industry) can reap the benefit and tax dollars will be evenly and fairly distributed. Everyone will have an opportunity to use the program. Many will not, because they don’t want or need a new car. Perhaps they don't want to spend money on a new car in the current economy. At least they have an option to exercise. As it works now, the vast majority of taxpayers have no option whatsoever.

What about those “clunkers”? They will be sold or traded in. In a few years, most will find their way to being junked for scrap, and at no taxpayer cost.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

So, Now Political Speech is Un-American?

Since when is expressing your view at a town hall meeting become un-American? If you bother to pay attention to Pelosi and Reid, speaking out against the collection of half-assed Healthcare reform bills is just that.

Perhaps, the Democrats in power have lost touch with their past. For generations, the Democrats proclaimed that they were the party of new ideas, the party of the people. God forbid that you disagree with them today, you will be pilloried for the effort.

Lately, Pelosi has come across just short of a raving lunatic. Her outrageous assertions that the CIA lied to her is ridiculous and flies in the face of overwhelming evidence. Her continued public rants are undermining CIA morale.

In recent days, she has attacked ordinary citizens for voicing their constitutionally protected right to free political speech. She has classified these citizens as hooligans and un-American. That is amazing, especially coming as the leader of Congressional Democrats. Outspoken protest has been a cornerstone of societal and political change in American since the middle 18th Century. Indeed, Pelosi and Reid are sounding very much like King George III’s denunciation of American Colonial protest over heavy-handed English rule. I wonder if the correlation goes as far as the King’s recognized mental illness?

Both Reid and Pelosi are doing their party a great disservice with their assault on ordinary Americans. They are now alienating influential Democrats with some having openly stated that Pelosi should step down as Speaker of the House. There is no doubt in my mind that Pelosi would never relinquish power. It’s not in her nature to surrender authority.

With that in mind, Democrats are beginning to worry about the 2010 mid-term election. All of the gains from the 2008 election could be erased, and even greater damage may result if the party leadership doesn’t recognize that they are not the elite class they seem to believe they have become. Isn’t it trouble enough that Obama’s polling numbers are dropping faster than Joey Buttafuoco’s brain cell count? As it is, both the House and Senate are about as popular as a dead skunk, and a hell of a lot tougher to get rid of.

If the Democrats plan to salvage the 2010 elections, Pelosi and Reid have to go.

In the meanwhile, all current healthcare bills should be withdrawn and a bipartisan committee organized to draft a bill that reflects the will of the people. Moreover, the bill must not give the federal government any bureaucratic authority beyond oversight. All government endorsed health insurance programs must run by public, not for profit companies that can better manage costs. This will force the existing insurance companies to be competitive, both in price and services. Competition always drives down cost and price.

Healthcare reform is only one note of the chord. Without tort reform, cost reduction will be limited. The feds need to examine the Texas model of tort reform that limits punitive awards. It works and it is already driving down medical costs in that state.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Continental Express: Incompetent? Liars? Both?

One of this week’s biggest news stories has been the ordeal of 47 passengers forced to remain on a Continental Express jet for 9 hours overnight. No food, no fresh water and no functioning toilet. Of greater importance, there is no valid excuse.

You may already know this story. Diverted to Rochester due to severe thunderstorms, the Continental Express jet sat on the tarmac for 9 hours. Offers by other airlines to assist in moving the passengers to secure gate area in the terminal were turned down by Continental.

This nightmare scenario could only occur if Continental Express management is myopic , incompetent or uncaring in the extreme. It’s obvious to me that their management is over-qualified in at least one of these areas of expertise.

Continental Express lied when they stated that passengers could not be offloaded as there was no security personnel to re-screen the passengers. I recognized this a pure rubbish. Gate areas of terminals are secured. There is no reason to re-screen passengers who do not venture outside of the designated security area. Every airport has signs warning passengers not to leave the secured gate area or they will have to pass through security a second time. Passengers could have been unloaded at the gate and instructed to remain there. For some unfathomable reason, Continental Express declined to do that, even when Delta offered their bus to transport the 47 passengers. Later, the airport manager confirmed that Continental was not telling the truth. Passengers could have been debarked and reboarded without requiring re-screening by TSA.

Under most circumstances, detaining citizens against their will is a crime. Apparently not in the commercial air transport industry. Airlines can put people at risk to their health; deny them the basics of food, water and sanitation and suffer no consequences other than bad publicity. Federal Prisons can’t get away with this, so how does the airline industry avoid the crushing penalties they deserve? Other than typical politics as usual and a general lack of concern by self-absorbed elected officials, there is really no valid reason.

I think we have come to expect stupidity from airlines. We tolerate it far too much. Those 47 passengers could have gotten off that airplane anytime they decided to. Simply agree among themselves to do so, then inform the flight crew that they “have 30 minutes to get the passengers off of this aircraft. If that is not accomplished, the passengers will open the doors, deploy the emergency slides and get off on their own”.

Believe me, this would have motivated the airline to resolve the issue immediately in some manner. If not, open the doors and get off. This will be a lesson that the airline industry will remember. The cost associated with getting the slides recertified will be very high, and ultimately, needless.

There’s only one real problem with this scenario. Some of the passengers will lack the courage to take a stand against the airline. Of course, these are often the passengers who are first in line to cry to reporters about their ordeal… Go figure.

Ultimately, the 47 passengers, including babies, were kept on the plane simply because no one at Continental Express was willing to make a decision or assume the responsibility for these people. It was simply easier to lock them up on the plane.

This is a failure at the top levels of the company, and there is no excuse for its disregard for the people who keep them in business.

You can bet a wad of cash that one of the corrective actions to be instituted by Continental will be to “retrain personnel.” You can also bet that no one will be retrained. This is a commonly used ploy in many industries for the purpose of creating a false sense that the same error will not happen again. The only way that it won’t happen again is to lop off the head or heads of those who decided to imprison these passengers, rather than offload them. If someone of consequence is not immediately fired, you’ll know that Continental is merely trying to build a smokescreen. You know, ignore the problem and maybe it will go away.

My advice…. Fly some other airline until Continental comes completely clean and makes a serious effort to change their middle management’s mentality.