Thursday, August 20, 2009

Three Lefts Don't Always Make a Right

I never presume to speak for others, but I have no doubt that many people will agree with me that writer/director Michael Moore marches to a different drummer. In fact, I’d say that he may have his own band.

His disassembly of Detroit’s business-as-usual mindset in “Roger & Me” was an instant classic. Brutally honest and funny at the same time, Moore hit America’s auto makers right between the eyes.

It is unfortunate that Moore’s subsequent films wandered away from the intellectual honesty that made “Roger & Me” so good. “Bowling for Columbine”, “Fahrenheit 9/11” and “Sicko” presented something else. One could easily and accurately state that Moore’s follow-on films had digressed to little more that political propaganda for an extreme leftist point of view. Moore was accused of creative editing to make his subjects appear to make statements that they had not made. His blatant political statements at the Oscar ceremony was not less than outrageous.

Would it be far from reality to state that Moore has climbed the leftist ladder to a place not unlike that of Joseph Goebbels, Fritz Hippler and Eberhard Taubert all rolled into one oversized personality? Like these German propagandists, his films are done in the style of a documentary. Moore knows that for some viewers, this adds a air of authority. His soon to be released film, "Capitalism: A Love Story”, is expected to be a new benchmark in Moore’s continued pounding on all things not aligned with his socialist (nearly Marxist) political agenda.

Moore has expressed his support for Obama’s government run health care bill, even if it did lead to health care rationing. I don’t believe that Moore would find himself at odds with the Obama administration unless, perhaps, they rationed cannolies…

This reminds me to make a simple point. If you really want to know the politics of any President, simply take note of their strongest supporters. What they say is less important than who their friends and supporters are.

Moore appears to be a victim of disorganized reasoning. This is a common malady that afflicts many, otherwise highly intelligent people. He can look right past facts and formulate opinions based upon nothing but self-created fantasy.

In a recent interview, Moore lashed out once again at George Bush. When asked what Bush’s worst legacy would be, Moore replied, “That he has yet to be arrested for committing the worst crime the leader of a nation can commit: lie to the people and convince them to invade another country and kill its people with absolutely no provocation.”

Moore wants Dubya arrested for lying to the people. Well, I’m not convinced he lied at all. Moreover, if lying by a politician was a crime requiring arrest, we would have to build more prisons immediately. If the extreme left really believed that lying is criminal, why haven’t they called for the arrest of Rep. Barney Frank? You know Frank, the guy who pressured and coerced banks to make mortgage loans to people who did not have the means to pay them. Frank, the guy who suddenly became stupid when he was fingered as possibly being the person most responsible for the mortgage meltdown. We should not overlook Frank’s partner in this, Sen. Christopher Dodd.

Mr. Moore goes on to say that we invaded and killed Iraqis without provocation. You’re kidding, right Michael? Repeated violations of the cease fire agreement doesn’t constitute provocation? Murdering thousands of innocent Kurds with nerve agents or poison gas does not constitute provocation? Failure to comply with UN weapon inspections isn’t a provocation? Slaughtering thousands of Shiites does not equate to provocation? If not, what does?

If you want to argue whether or not the invasion of Iraq was a good idea, you could make a strong argument for not invading. However, to state that there was no provocation is being obtuse on an epic scale.

If Bush was anything, he was naïve to believe that right and might can change hearts, minds and cultures. Naïveté is not a crime.

Neither is being an world class bullshit artist, because if it was, Michael Moore could be facing 20 to life with no chance of parole or cannolies.

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