Monday, August 17, 2009

Liberal Outrage Over Guns in National Parks

There appears to be a rather loud outcry from some anti-gun groups over allowing firearms into Nation Parks.

It’s only natural that anti-gun right advocates would howl about firearms being permitted anywhere they were not previously allowed. I don’t believe that anyone would have expected otherwise. Nonetheless, this issue has already been decided at a level above that which can be overturned.

In 2008, the Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that individual ownership of firearms is guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights. Thus, denying citizens their right to keep and bear arms would be a clear Constitutional violation. Especially on Government owned land. Our current National Park System was the handiwork of President Theodore Roosevelt. TR was an avid hunter and conservationist. Not being permitted to maintain a loaded firearm in the parks he created would elicit his full and not inconsiderable fury. Previously, guns had to be unloaded and locked up.

For many years, the National Park Service strictly limited private firearms in the parks; unconstitutionally it turns out. As a result, these parks were an ideal environment for thieves and others of the criminal element, who were well aware that those few park goers who had a gun could not access their firearms on short notice. Let’s face facts: Criminals by definition disobey the law. You can bet that many criminals would being carrying loaded “heat” in the National Parks.

In recent weeks, we have seen the liberal left attempt to squelch free speech by classifying health care bill opposition as ignorant and un-American. The radical left believes in freedom, but only as they define it. If it were left to them, your rights would only be those that they find to be politically correct.

Jonathan Dorn, editor-in-chief of Backpacker Magazine was quoted by the AP as stating, "That one just felt like a very political decision that was maybe more about politics than about maybe paying attention to the preferences of the vast majority of people who are frequent park users."

Dorn doesn't realize that all it would take is a suit in Federal Court to force the Parks Department to lift restrictions anyway. Current rules signed by Obama look to the various States for guidelines. If the State permits loaded firearms in their parks, then they are permitted in Federal parks within that State.

As of now, the single biggest whining is coming from the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Years ago, this organization went by the name Handgun Control Inc, until their contribution to the backlash that gained the Republicans control of the House and Senate. I guess it was time for a name change, eh?

The facts remains that the Brady group is loaded with myopic hoplophobes who can only react with a knee-jerk.

My view is that if you don't like guns, don't own one. If you don't like guns in National Parks, leave yours at home. You don't own one? Well then, that makes it easy for you.

It's about time that law abiding citizens can fully exercise their constitutional rights on Government land.

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