Friday, June 6, 2014

 Being First Lady Carries Responsibility

 Various recent First Ladies on vacation

There has been a minor debate raging between friends and old acquaintances over how Michelle Obama sometimes dresses. Not that how she dresses is the central issue, but it is the catalyst for arguments for and against her vast expenditures and over-the-top lifestyle as First Lady. I find her general sense of entitlement very distasteful.

Michelle's jet setting around the earth on the public's coin only demonstrates a lack of consideration for the nation she so badly represents. Her vacation expenses to date are three times greater than the past five First Ladies combined, adjusted for inflation. Estimates (because the White House will not release exact figures) are as much as 375 million dollars for Michelle's globetrotting and "vacations". Meanwhile, as many as 100,000 military families must rely on food stamps to feed their children, and have seen what meager benefits that they do have, cut. This incredible wasteful expenditure of the "People's" money is beyond outrageous.

In 1862, Congressional Democrats berated Mary Todd Lincoln for spending $6,000 dollars over budget on decorating and much needed repairs and renovations to the White House. Portions of the family residence hadn't been painted or had carpets replaced since Andrew Jackson was in office. Yet, it is almost certain that Michelle Obama will spend more than 1/2 billion dollars on her vacations and personal entertainment during her husband's two terms. Within the context of this extreme ostentatious lifestyle, is it unreasonable to expect that Michelle properly represent the people who have to pay for her extravagance?

That outfit shown in the attached composite photo is certainly acceptable during private time, on a private beach, resort or hotel. It's fine for informal shopping with her children.

Some are making this a "woman's" (aka "feminist") issue. I don't see this as a feminist issue, but a lack of respect for the dignity and decorum of the First Lady's role, both domestically and internationally. I strongly resent the insinuation that expecting a manner of behavior and appearance commensurate with her position is unfair or the view of a some left leaning folks as misogynist thinking. Nonsense.

It is not acceptable when stepping off of Air Force One, which is universally seen as representing the prestige of the President and the nation he supposedly serves. Walking off of that great symbol of American power and prestige; dressed like a 19 year-old Phys-Ed major, stepping off of a Southwest 737 for spring break in Daytona Beach, is not conducive with the role of First Lady of the United States.

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