Monday, June 16, 2014

The New Nazism...

Iraq: Images of Iraqi men being rounded up at gunpoint, beaten, herded into lorries and shot dead in a ditch in the desert by a row of masked ISIS fanatics sent shockwaves across the world
Radical Islamist members of ISIS slaughter bound victims in Iraq

Beginning in December of 1941, the United States found itself in World War Two, fighting Japan and Nazi Germany. It was decided to concentrate first on Germany, viewed to be the greater threat.

For over three years, American men and women risked and often sacrificed their lives to extinguish the horror of National Socialism, aka Nazism. The full extent of Nazi crimes against humanity only became apparent as concentration camps were overrun on the eastern and western fronts. 

The free world recoiled, and vowed to eliminate any and all vestiges of Nazi barbarism. By and large, they succeeded. Today, the swastika is banned in Germany. Should some ignorant teenager paint a swastika on a neighborhood stop sign almost anywhere in America, it is declared a hate crime and makes the local TV news and newspapers. It has become a Pavlov's Dog reflex.

Yet, we see the incredible scenes from the Middle East and Kenya, and no governments vow to crush the radical Islamic Nazism of organized murder and genocide. 

This is the new Nazism. Thousands of innocent men, women and children rounded up and machine-gunned simply for being Christian, Shia or members of the military or government.  

Unlike the Nazis, these murderous lunatics don't make any effort to hide their crimes. Indeed, they make a point of posting photos and videos on the internet to frighten and horrify the world.

ISIS fanatics are proud of their crimes. The above photos shows one waving their ISIS banner as they slaughter bound victims while cheering each other on.

Is this to be tolerated by the world, 70 years after Hitler's crimes were discovered, and 60 years after the equally brutal reign of Joseph Stalin ended with his death?

The people of all nations must recognize that radical Islam is at war with the rest of the world. It will commit genocide in the name of Allah, without hesitation or remorse. It will, without blinking, murder your children in their beds. It is the religion of sociopaths. Radical Islam is a horrific blight on the Islamic world. The failure of Islamic peoples to oppose it with more than words is little more than condoning the genocide. Failure to oppose this type of sick, depraved Islam is indicative of cowardliness. It will not go away by ignoring it. This collective insanity is the single greatest threat to civilization today. Does anyone believe that al-Qaida or ISIS would not use a nuclear weapon if they had one (or more than one)? If you don't believe they wouldn't hesitate to murder millions of infidels at any opportunity, I'd call you a fool.

It is time that peace loving nations of the world deal with Radical Islam exactly as was done with Nazism. Eradicate it by any means available. Bring the leaders to justice. To quote Texas style justice, "give 'em a fair trial, followed by a first class hanging". There is no room for kindness or mercy with these mad dogs. Eradication like it is a plague is the only solution left, by their making.

Someone please inform President Obama that freeing Taliban murderers under any guise is nothing less than foolish, and maybe even criminal and treason to the security of the United States. Now that we have Bergdahl back, we should immediately snatch the five Taliban from Qatar and air drop them back into their Afghan tribal area. Sans parachutes, of course....

Treat any nation who shelters or supports these murderers as a hostile nation, destined for the same fate.

The failure to do this will lead to worse crimes, and eventually, threaten the very existence of non-Islamic culture. Send every one of the bastards to their lofty reward.... In Hell. 

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