Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Florida Airport Shooter Converted to Islam

ISIS influence is surely there. It will be exposed.

It goes to the irrefutable logic of these two statements. All Muslims are not terrorists. Most terrorists are Muslim. Both are true. All Germans were not Nazis. Most Nazis were German. The world held Germans responsible for atrocities committed by Nazis.

The world will eventually hold Islam responsible for atrocities committed in the name of Allah. Islam must crack down on its own lunatics or the world will eventually crack down on Islam. When any group of people declare that anyone not following their particular form of religion must convert or die... When they commit incredible crimes against innocents. When they would murder your grand children in their sleep and rejoice in it. How do you deal with these people?

They will not change. They will not evolve (strict Islam is still mired in the 7th century). They will not relent. They hate you. They hate me. They hate everything we love and care about. They wish us all dead. So, you deal with these people by killing every last one who would kill you. No exceptions, no mercy, no prisoners. Eradicate ISIS like any other disease. Utterly and completely. Because if we don't, this disease will spread and infect millions more. These people will never, ever change. They frighten moderate and secular Islam into doing nothing....

Because of this, like Germany, Islam will eventually pay the price for their loons....

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