Monday, January 30, 2017

False Outrage at Trump's Order to Block Travel to USA From Seven Mostly Muslim Countries

Is it just me, or is the typical left wing American losing his or her mind? Surely, the mainstream media is deliberately distorting facts. I'm sure everyone reading this has seen the outrage over Trump's Muslim ban... Hollywood, the single greatest concentration of dumbass in America, is going off the edge.
I have to ask a simple question.. What Muslim ban?
There's no ban on Muslims coming to the U.S. whatsoever. There is a 90 day immigration ban from seven nations that are avowed enemies or involved in civil wars or where ISIS has a major presence. All seven countries are majority Islam, but the order is not religion specific. No one from these countries, regardless of religion, will be permitted to enter the United States for 90 days, while an adequate vetting methodology is established.
Muslims may enter the U.S. from Tunisia, from Morocco, from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lebanon and a many other nations where Islam is the major religion. Anyone calling this a Muslim Ban is lying to you.
What drives me to distraction, is that liberals ignore Pew polls of Muslims in Middle Eastern nations where 85% of mainstream Muslim men want Sharia law enacted everywhere. They support death to those who leave Islam. They support death for being a homosexual. They support subjugating women. They support beating wives as punishment. They support death for anyone insulting their prophet, or even drawing a picture of Mohammed.
Liberals refer to those who don't want this in America as "fascists" and "Nazis". They don't understand that the real fascism is theocratic Islam, which would strip them of their freedoms and in some cases, their very lives. Europe is learning the hard way, with massive increases in crimes against women and homosexuals since allowing unrestricted Muslim refugee immigration. Whole sections of cities are now no-go areas for non-Muslims. Hungary refused to accept any refugees and they are not suffering this wave of crime nor enclaves of Islamist lunacy, where "infidels" go at their peril. They rightfully refer to the refugee issue as a mass exodus. An invasion.
We don't have a land bridge to the Middle East, but we don't have to accept people who may pose a threat of terror. ISIS has stated that they plan to infiltrate the refugees with terrorists. What Trump is doing is initiating a temporary halt to immigration from where ISIS operates.
There is no Muslim ban... It's a lie, and if you believe it, you do so in spite of the truth.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

NY Times Reporter Tweets Fake News

New York Times reporter, Binyamin Appelbaum, tweeted a photo of Obama's 2009 Inauguration crowd alongside a photo of the gathering 10 AM crowd assembling for Trump's Inauguration.

It was a deliberate attempt to deceive by comparing Obama's crowd at the swearing in to the hours earlier crowd gathering for the Trump inauguration. 

Genuine, unabashed, unapologetic, fake news. 

This tweet inspired additional tweets by the Washington Post, showing a park feed image from yet earlier in the morning, which was immediately presented as the true inauguration crowd by dishonest Twitter posters. 

Worse, some National Parks Service official with control of the NPS Twitter account, re-tweeted the Appelbaum post. The NPS tweet was discovered and the NPS account was quickly purged. You can bet that the left wing NPS official responsible for the re-tweet will be applying for unemployment benefits on Monday. This goes to show how deep the progressives have penetrated all levels of government over the past eight years.

So, what is the truth as to the size of the crowd that attended the Trump Inaugural? You can judge for yourself by viewing the composite photo below. I cannot determine if the 2009 inauguration drew a larger crowd than President Trump. However, it is very clear than the Mall was equally full of Trump supporters. 

This type of left wing, progressive propaganda is exactly why we can not place a shred of faith in the mainstream media and liberal press. Their goal is to deceive the public and, whether or not they admit this truth, they want to destroy the values and principles of the Founding Fathers of our republic. They are, in the truest sense, enemies of the Constitution.

Progressive Philosophy in a Single Paragraph

Buzzfeed's take on the film Patriot's Day reveals the left wing mindset, with all of it's anti-American values and massively distorted logic. I still wait to meet a left winger capable of critical analysis and thought...
"Patriots Day crystallizes the ethos of Trump’s America: the normalization of totalitarianism and anti-intellectualism, a return to the delineation of global politics into camps of right and wrong, patriot and terrorist, winners and losers, and an impulse to flatten and otherwise ignore reality in the name of feeling good and guiltless."
According to Buzzfeed writer Anne Helen Petersen, because of my values, I am "anti-intellectual". I would argue that this evening when I have a Warsteiner pilsener with my dinner, that 330 ml of beer will kill more brain cells than Petersen devotes to critical thinking. Why is the left's definition of "intellectual" so utterly devoid of intellect?
She comments about American values including "winners and losers", as if that was somehow morally wrong. A product of participation trophy mindset. In the real world, 2nd place really is the first place loser. Sorry, if that disturbs some, you need to learn that there are people who can accomplish more and better things than you. That's reality and it's the reality of nature.
Then we get to “right and wrong”. Petersen seems to think that these two things are relative. They’re not. A known indication of sociopathic tendency is the inability to separate right from wrong. No moral compass, which invariably leads to justifying virtually anything. Which seems to indicate why the left doesn’t grasp the evil of Islamic Jihad.
The entirety of the quoted paragraph reveals the warped reasoning and fascist bent of Progressive politics. She unwittingly describes the depraved state of those of her ilk in one paragraph. A lesson to those who struggle to tolerate people like Petersen. Somehow, mainstream America has become accepting of progressive, anti-American attitudes. Many just shrug them off, rather than push them to explain their reasoning and their motives. By enabling the enemies of freedom, the Progressive movement has become complicit in the evil.
This absence of a moral compass is directly related to decline of Judeo-Christian values. Rebellion against right, perhaps because wrong is often easier and provides immediate gratification.
This is why Trump resonated. He defined a clear, unambiguous line between what he believed was right and wrong. Professional politicians loath setting clear lines, because they need the ability to straddle or change sides of the fence as required to get reelected. Trump took a stand, a clear and easy to understand demarcation from politics as usual.
Thus, his presence is a direct threat to progressives, who have relied on ambiguous Republican politics to make inroads in society at the cost of civility and kindness. This is why a substantial portion of Americans have joined Trump in drawing a line against the fascism of left wing politics. Perhaps, these folks will develop the courage to take back the nation from those who hate it and its values that made it the greatest bastion of liberty on earth.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Florida Airport Shooter Converted to Islam

ISIS influence is surely there. It will be exposed.

It goes to the irrefutable logic of these two statements. All Muslims are not terrorists. Most terrorists are Muslim. Both are true. All Germans were not Nazis. Most Nazis were German. The world held Germans responsible for atrocities committed by Nazis.

The world will eventually hold Islam responsible for atrocities committed in the name of Allah. Islam must crack down on its own lunatics or the world will eventually crack down on Islam. When any group of people declare that anyone not following their particular form of religion must convert or die... When they commit incredible crimes against innocents. When they would murder your grand children in their sleep and rejoice in it. How do you deal with these people?

They will not change. They will not evolve (strict Islam is still mired in the 7th century). They will not relent. They hate you. They hate me. They hate everything we love and care about. They wish us all dead. So, you deal with these people by killing every last one who would kill you. No exceptions, no mercy, no prisoners. Eradicate ISIS like any other disease. Utterly and completely. Because if we don't, this disease will spread and infect millions more. These people will never, ever change. They frighten moderate and secular Islam into doing nothing....

Because of this, like Germany, Islam will eventually pay the price for their loons....