Monday, January 30, 2017

False Outrage at Trump's Order to Block Travel to USA From Seven Mostly Muslim Countries

Is it just me, or is the typical left wing American losing his or her mind? Surely, the mainstream media is deliberately distorting facts. I'm sure everyone reading this has seen the outrage over Trump's Muslim ban... Hollywood, the single greatest concentration of dumbass in America, is going off the edge.
I have to ask a simple question.. What Muslim ban?
There's no ban on Muslims coming to the U.S. whatsoever. There is a 90 day immigration ban from seven nations that are avowed enemies or involved in civil wars or where ISIS has a major presence. All seven countries are majority Islam, but the order is not religion specific. No one from these countries, regardless of religion, will be permitted to enter the United States for 90 days, while an adequate vetting methodology is established.
Muslims may enter the U.S. from Tunisia, from Morocco, from Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Turkey, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Lebanon and a many other nations where Islam is the major religion. Anyone calling this a Muslim Ban is lying to you.
What drives me to distraction, is that liberals ignore Pew polls of Muslims in Middle Eastern nations where 85% of mainstream Muslim men want Sharia law enacted everywhere. They support death to those who leave Islam. They support death for being a homosexual. They support subjugating women. They support beating wives as punishment. They support death for anyone insulting their prophet, or even drawing a picture of Mohammed.
Liberals refer to those who don't want this in America as "fascists" and "Nazis". They don't understand that the real fascism is theocratic Islam, which would strip them of their freedoms and in some cases, their very lives. Europe is learning the hard way, with massive increases in crimes against women and homosexuals since allowing unrestricted Muslim refugee immigration. Whole sections of cities are now no-go areas for non-Muslims. Hungary refused to accept any refugees and they are not suffering this wave of crime nor enclaves of Islamist lunacy, where "infidels" go at their peril. They rightfully refer to the refugee issue as a mass exodus. An invasion.
We don't have a land bridge to the Middle East, but we don't have to accept people who may pose a threat of terror. ISIS has stated that they plan to infiltrate the refugees with terrorists. What Trump is doing is initiating a temporary halt to immigration from where ISIS operates.
There is no Muslim ban... It's a lie, and if you believe it, you do so in spite of the truth.

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