Sunday, January 22, 2017

NY Times Reporter Tweets Fake News

New York Times reporter, Binyamin Appelbaum, tweeted a photo of Obama's 2009 Inauguration crowd alongside a photo of the gathering 10 AM crowd assembling for Trump's Inauguration.

It was a deliberate attempt to deceive by comparing Obama's crowd at the swearing in to the hours earlier crowd gathering for the Trump inauguration. 

Genuine, unabashed, unapologetic, fake news. 

This tweet inspired additional tweets by the Washington Post, showing a park feed image from yet earlier in the morning, which was immediately presented as the true inauguration crowd by dishonest Twitter posters. 

Worse, some National Parks Service official with control of the NPS Twitter account, re-tweeted the Appelbaum post. The NPS tweet was discovered and the NPS account was quickly purged. You can bet that the left wing NPS official responsible for the re-tweet will be applying for unemployment benefits on Monday. This goes to show how deep the progressives have penetrated all levels of government over the past eight years.

So, what is the truth as to the size of the crowd that attended the Trump Inaugural? You can judge for yourself by viewing the composite photo below. I cannot determine if the 2009 inauguration drew a larger crowd than President Trump. However, it is very clear than the Mall was equally full of Trump supporters. 

This type of left wing, progressive propaganda is exactly why we can not place a shred of faith in the mainstream media and liberal press. Their goal is to deceive the public and, whether or not they admit this truth, they want to destroy the values and principles of the Founding Fathers of our republic. They are, in the truest sense, enemies of the Constitution.

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